Compare Countdown vs New World

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New World

Comparing Countdown vs New World supermarkets, who has the better prices? Tell us why!


Countdown vs New World:

Let’s look at some differences between the two New Zealand supermarket chains, Countdown and New World.

Background of Countdown and New World

Countdown is a supermarket chain offering full service in New Zealand. It is a subsidiary of Progressive Enterprises and is the largest chain of supermarkets in the country in terms of earnings and its size with its number of stores.

Countdown was started by Rattrays Wholesale in May 1981 when its first market began at the Northlands Mall at Papanui in Christchurch. Today, there are one hundred and seventy supermarkets that are operating across both the North and South Islands of New Zealand.
Countdown is famous for its rewards and discount programme which is known as `Onecard’ and it was started in July 2008 after it took over the Woolworths and the Foodtown stores under its brand and logo.

Countdown offers online shopping facility and grocery delivery across entire New Zealand. You can have the groceries picked up and packed by a personal shopper and then delivered to your house for only $8.75. The delivery charge alone will depend on the amount of your shopping bill and your location. The fees for ordering and getting your groceries delivered would begin from $3.25 upwards.

The mobile shopping app of Countdown has had more than two hundred thousand downloads during the previous year alone. This free app includes a list of digital shopping along with capabilities of barcode scanning. It also offers tailored specials, prices and recipes that can be connected to your personal shopping account online for you to make the transactions.

New World is also a supermarket chain that offers full service in New Zealand. New World is owned by Foodstuffs’ Co-Operative Societies. Foodtsuffs’ Co-Operatives also own Four Square and Pak’nSave supermarket stores. The very first Foodstuffs’ Co-Operative was established in 1922 in Auckland. New World was started in 1963 and it was known for its American-style service. There are one hundred and thirty eight supermarkets across both North and South Islands in New Zealand.

New World offers online shopping facility but in selected areas. It also offers Click & Collect facility along with home deliveries for people. More and more people are opting to get their groceries delivered to their houses in New Zealand. At New World, the delivery charges range from $8.25 for order size of $250 or more up to $15.25 for order size of $100 or less.

Side by side price comparison and analysis

As per a survey done by Consumer.Org, Countdown has an edge over New World in Auckland, Wellington and Hamilton while New World has an edge over Countdown in the South Island in Dunedin and Christchurch.

The survey pointed out that New World is slightly on the expensive side in terms of grocery prices. Countdown is slowly positioning itself as a valuable brand with its `Price Lockdown’ business promotion. For example, in Wellington, Countdown marked down a five-hundred gram cheese block from $8.99 to $6.00 (Source:

What do you think?

In your experience with COUNTDOWN and NEW WORLD, which do you think is the better supermarket? Let us know below.

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