Emoticon vs Emoji

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Emoticon vs Emoji
The modern world is full of dynamic things, and one of the manifestations of its dynamism would be the changes in its language. Languages currently being used today changes everyday, regardless of what language it is.

As long as it used on a daily basis, there will always be changes that we accept as a society. One of the factors that affected the changes in language would be technology, and one of those changes would be the acceptance of the terms emoticon and emoji. These two words are often used interchangeably, but they actually have a significant difference, and there is a chance that you might be using them wrong.

Emoticons are actually just textual interpretations of facial expressions. For instance, a colon and a parenthesis that curves to the right “:)” means the person is smiling. An inverted parenthesis would mean that the person is sad “:(“.

There are actually a lot of varieties since people have become more creative given the limitations of text messaging before technology expanded. Emoticons are often used in phones that just used the normal LCD. Before messaging applications in phones and even computers, emoticons are your best bet to show emotions.

Emojis, on the other hand, are literally pictures. Since the influx of smartphones, people can now accommodate sending actual pictures that accurately show the emotion of the person. If you send an emoji to someone, the person can actually see a smiling face, rather than just a colon and a parenthesis trying to represent a smiling face.

Emojis cover a wide variety, as well, for any occasion, and sometimes, they may seem random. You can see animal emojis, human emojis, and even flag emojis, among others. The problem with emojis is that it can only be supported by a specific type of software, so if you are sending one to someone, make sure emojis are fully supported by their device.

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