Compare Walmart vs ShopRite

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Comparing the two supermarkets, which one has the better value? Tell us why!

A retail revolution was started by Sam Walton in 1962 when he opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers Arkansas. His entire strategy was made on a strong foundation of offering the lowest prices anywhere and at any time. The Walton family expanded its business slowly and within seven years, there were twenty four stores and the company was officially incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Today, it has more than eleven thousand stores worldwide.

ShopRite began in 1946 with an initiative by Del Monte Foods and various independent grocers in Newark, New Jersey. These grocers were facing considerable problems in acquiring reasonable prices for all their wholesale goods. The concept of co-operative buying was encouraged and they paid a thousand dollars each to begin Wakefern Foods; it changed to ShopRite five years later.

ShopRite is a co-operative chain owned by retailers’ co-op. It is predominantly based in the North Eastern part of the United States with stores spread out in New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. It has its headquarters in Keasbey, New Jersey. ShopRite has 296 stores and fifty affiliates that are individually owned as well as operated.

Key points for comparison
There is no comparison between prices between Wal-Mart stores and those of ShopRite as a result of the decoupled pricing policy of Wal-Mart. The leader in prices has been Wal-Mart for the last four consecutive years. AOA compared the food baskets of ShopRite and Wal-Mart. These baskets contained forty identical items for comparison. The basket at Wal-Mart had a cost tag of $154.65 while the one at ShopRite cost $165.68.

Shoppers are not surprised by the AOA study findings and it has helped them plan out their weekly shopping based on their needs and geographical locations of the respective stores. The shoppers are keen on taking advantage of these basket costs and sale prices. They are also keeping their eyes open for loyalty cards, discount coupons and seasonal sales.

Many people have reported that they find the advertisements of ShopRite effective but the limitations of availability of stores in various geographical locations works at a disadvantage to ShopRite.

What do you think?
In your experience with Wal-Mart and SHOPRITE, which do you think is the better supermarket?
Let us know below.

One thought on “Compare Walmart vs ShopRite

  • at 8:53 am

    Dollar for dollar on the same exact item Walmart beats ShopRite hands down, sometimes product pricing can be almost double at Shoprite, Progresso canned soup is one that I know right off the bat, even when it is on sale at ShopRite it is still more expensive than Walmart.


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