Compare Cosmos vs Trafalgar

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You added your ratings, stroies and reviews on Trafalgar and Cosmos tours. We combined that with what we know about the two companies.

Hope you find the following Cosmos vs Trafalgar comparison based on those very experiences.

Cosmos vs Trafalgar:

Cosmos Holidays is a major tour operator based in the United Kingdom that provides guided tours and package holidays. The tour operator currently operates in over 60 destinations worldwide including South-East Asia and the Middle-East although its major presence is largely confined to Europe. Cosmos is very popular with cost-conscious tourists who want to explore the world without spending a fortune. Unlike some of its contemporaries, Cosmos provides its customers with a lot of free time to explore and truly experience a destination in addition to its guided activities.

Trafalgar Tours is one of the largest tourism-cum-travel companies in the world that literally operates in over 200 destinations across the globe. Trafalgar has been consistently receiving good reviews over the last decade or so because of its highly experienced local guides, its diverse range of travel packages and itineraries for all classes of travelers and its impeccable customer service. Though Trafalgar isn’t really a budget tour operator in the strict sense of the word such as Cosmos, it has acquired popularity with value conscious travelers on account of its online offers and discount schemes.

Which bus tour is better, Trafalgar or Cosmos?

Have you tripped with both Trafalgar and Cosmos? Offer your tips preferences below.

One thought on “Compare Cosmos vs Trafalgar

  • at 9:59 am

    If you can afford Trafalgar, go with Trafalgar. Its more expensive than Cosmos but pretty much everything is better with them. Food, accommodation, guides, included activities. Groups are usually similar.


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