Compare Andreas Seppi vs Novak Đoković

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Andreas Seppi


Novak Đoković

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Andreas Seppi is professional tennis player from Italy. His favorites surfaces are clay and hard courts. His highest ATP ranking was No. 15 in 2013, and is considered asa second best tennis player in Italy. In his career Seppi has won 3 titles, and his best Grand Slam results are fourth round on Australian and French Open and Wimbledon.

On the other side we have Novak Đoković, professional tennis player, which is also considered as one of best players in history of tennis. He has won 9 Grand Slam tournaments, and his career record is 606-141. He has also won ATP World Tour Finals 4 times, and has Bronze Medal from Olympic Games in 2008. Đoković is an all-court player, with emphasis on aggressive baseline play.

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